Nuevo concurso con AI - Ganate un Motorola Moto G13

Debe ser uno de los concursos más sencillos que voy a proponerles para llevarse de regalo un teléfono, un Motorola Moto G13, pero creo que les va a gustar.

El planteo es sencillo, en un comentario ustedes van a dejar una frase, un pedido, para una Inteligencia Artificial para crear una imagen, yo me encargo de crearla, tienen una sola oportunidad, un sólo query, pero no se preocupen por el resultado.

Luego un jurado de "poco notables" decidirá quiénes quedan, un top 10, y de ahí podrán votar entre ustedes para darle un punto extra a uno. El jurado volverá a decidir y tendremos un ganador. ¿Tienen que hacer algo? Simplemente comentar el pedido para la AI, yo me encargo solito de todo ¿Se animan?

a painting of woman standing among clouds, in the style of classical realism, graceful, solarizing master, light bronze and light blue, dignified poses, bold yet graceful, fantastic realism

Cómo participar

Tienen que estar registrados en el blog, en el perfil de usuario tienen un campo para el DNI, para lo único que lo necesito es para poder entregarles el premio.

Si no viven en Argentina pueden participar pero no se llevarán el premio porque... Argentina, vamos, que enviar algo de aquí es imposible, si son de Buenos Aires, mejor, más fácil, si no, coordinamos y vemos cómo se lo enviamos, pero quiero que sea para todo el país.

¿Cómo participan? Con su usuario registrado (no anónimos) dejan un comentario con "Prompt:" y la frase que se les ocurra con el pedido para la IA generativa. 

Pero ¿Cómo sé qué poner? No tenés que ser experto, podés pedir lo que quieras, aquí dejaré algunas pruebas que hice ante de lanzar el concurso, pueden basarse en eso, los resultados van a ser aleatorios (explico más abajo el método), pero pueden ayudarse agregándole estilos de autores como los que hay aquí.

Dejan el comentario y yo luego lo edito agregando la imagen generada, todo en este mismo posteo.

Un ejemplo sería:

Prompt: RAW photo, a 22-year-old blonde girl, upper body, selfie in a car, blue hoodie, inside a car, driving, lipstick, soft lighting, high quality, highres, sharp focus, extremely detailed, sunlight on face, beautiful detailed eyes, masterpiece, cinematic lighting, dslr, Fujifilm XT3, film grain

y el resultado da:

En resumen

  • Registrarse
  • Ingresar
  • Comentar con un "Prompt" para que lo identifique como tal (si no indican lo tomo como un comentario normal y no participa)
  • Esperar a que yo suba la foto correspondiente una vez generada.
  • No llorar si salió horrible, el jurado decide 😁
  • Se premia la originalidad y creatividad

El premio

Motorola nos regala un Moto G13 para jugar en este concurso, simple, me dijeron "acá tenés, diviértanse" y es lo que quiero hacer.

El teléfono es un smartphone con pantalla de 6.5", Android 13, un procesador Mediatek MT6769Z Helio G85, 4GB de RAM, 64GB de almacenamiento.

Cuenta con una cámara triple, el sensor principal es de 50 MP, tiene uno de 2MP de Macro y otro de 2MP de profundidad y una cámar frontal de 8MP.

La batería es de 5000mAh! y viene con cargador en la caja, que nunca falte 😋

¿Cómo lo entrego? En persona, si es posible, coordinand o, si el ganador es del interior, vemos qué forma tenemos para enviarlo sin que el correo se lo robe 😁. Aquellos que vivan en el exterior, lo siento mucho, no tengo forma de enviarlo.

El G13 es el hermanito del G23 y se lanzaron juntos hace unos meses, aquí mi nota en Tecnogeek contando eso y el video review que hice del G23.

breathtaking selfie photograph of astronaut floating in space, earth in the background. award-winning, professional, highly detailed

Cómo se van a generar las imágenes

Decidí usar un workflow SUPER sencillo (luego de lo que aprendí con ComfyUI), por un lado porque el tiempo de CPU es mío, no puedo ponerme a crear imágenes gigantes o con muchísimos pasos 😁 pero además porque no importa si hay imperfecciones.

Voy a usar un prompt negativo para todos como para evitar fallas comunes:

cartoon, cgi, render, illustration, painting, drawing, bad quality, grainy, low resolution, text, watermark, blurry, logo, watermark, signature, cropped, out of frame, worst quality, low quality, jpeg artifacts, poorly lit, overexposed, underexposed, glitch, error, out of focus, (semi-realistic, cgi, 3d, render, sketch, cartoon, drawing, digital art, anime, manga:1.3), amateur, (poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face:1.2), deformed iris, deformed pupils, morbid, duplicate, mutilated, extra fingers, mutated hands, poorly drawn eyes, mutation, deformed, dehydrated, bad anatomy, bad proportions, extra limbs, cloned face, disfigured, gross proportions, malformed limbs, missing arms, missing legs, extra arms, extra legs, fused fingers, too many fingers, long neck, incoherent, naked, nsfw

Aunque puede variar más que nada si lo que se busca en el prompt es justamente algo de lo que está ahí (voy a tener que prestar atención a todos).

El workflow que usaré es MUY simple, vean:

Esto usa el SDXL 1.0 base, un VAE para retoque final y nada más, no hay upscaling, no hay refinador, no hay corrección de rostros ni nada, va directo lo que sale y eso es lo divertido. Con este workflow chiquito la generación tarda entre 30 y 40 segundos como mucho.

A close - up of Napoleon Bonaparte, with a cat sitting on his lap. The image should show Napoleon as a powerful and confident leader. The image should be vibrant and colorful, and it should highlight the amazing fact that Napoleon had a fear of cats. Additional details: Napoleon could be any color, but it would be best to choose a color that is bright and saturated. The cat could be any color, but it would be best to choose a color that contrasts with the color of Napoleon's clothing. The background could be any color, but it would be best to choose a color that is natural, such as a palace.

Cómo sigue esto

Si ya participaste con un comentario lo que sigue es sencillo, de aquí al 21/8 se participa, puede hacerlo toda la familia, no hace falta que sea uno sólo, no me voy a preocupar por eso. Lo importante es que participe cada uno con su usuario así podemos separarlos.

El 22/8 se hace nuevo posteo con los finalistas, ustedes dicen "me gusta X" y luego hago las cuentas, el 28/8 tenemos ganador. Primero le escribiré, luego lo anunciaré aquí y en mis redes.

A jugar!

PS: les dejo aquí más ejemplos:

Giant short faced bear hunting human prey, action scene, blood, insane details, accurate animal anatomy, cinematic shot, intense suspense, ice age, pine forest background, desperate atmosphere, trending on artstation, raytracing 8k, masterpiece

(RAW photo, 4k, masterpiece, high res, extremely intricate), cinematic lighting girl, solo focus, summer noon, hot, 1990s,cowboy shot,indoors,the upper part of the body, masterpiece, best quality, masterpiece,best quality,official art,extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper, beautiful detailed eyes, artbook, photo, real, realistic, futuristic knight, (silver, long hair), mecha girl, mechanical parts, space station, Expressive Hues, Vibrant Palette,B lack and white clothes

A sunny beach, reflection photography, Pre - Raphaelites

Beauty. Lips. Eyes. Close up. Art by Patrick Nagel, Bauhaus style.

impressive photo, insane intricate detailed, very high quality god trying to touch the stars, 4K high resolution

cyberpunk city, red and blue neon colors, high quality, 8k, masterpiece, low point of view, highly detailed, sharp focus, bright blue cloudy sky

Si te gustó esta nota podés...
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Otros posts que podrían llegar a gustarte...


  • Eric González     07/08/2023 - 10:55:29

    A portrait of a very dapper cat, altough just a little bit confused, with Argentina´s presidential band and ceremonial presidential baton. He´s the newly elected president of Argentina, standing besides his desk at the presidential palace. His suit has to be a dark grey color. Behind him, on the wall besides the window, a portrait of General San Martin but also with as cat´s face.

    • Fabio Baccaglioni     07/08/2023 - 11:00:02

      jajaj va el primero, creo que entendió cualquier cosa pero el resultado es genial 😁

  • Sebas     07/08/2023 - 11:07:33

    Promt: Wide shot of man with his motorcycle sitting on rock ledge looking out over wild scenery and surreal fjords, masterpiece, cinematic composition, muted colors. A dog is sitting beside him

  • Daniel     07/08/2023 - 11:13:18

    Prompt: a picture of Juan Domingo Peron, Nestor Kirchner, and Alfredo Yabran drinking tequilas and margaritas on a paradisiac beach in Bali, Indonesia. Near Nestor Kirchner, you can see a bag full of dollar bills. Behind them, the Tango 01, the Argentinian Presidential plane, sinks into the water.

    • Leandro MM     07/08/2023 - 11:29:14

      épico si logra representar ese prompt a la perfección (pero lo dudo).

    • Pablo Tossi     07/08/2023 - 11:38:05

      si sale algo decente DENLE YA EL PREMIO MAYOR!

    • Fabio Baccaglioni     07/08/2023 - 11:59:52

      jajaja fue mucho, hizo lo que pudo

      • Daniel     07/08/2023 - 12:40:09

        creo que la IA trató de representar a peron y a franco macri.... pero estuvo cerca

  • MaC     07/08/2023 - 11:36:05

    prompt: A high definition portrait of realistic Albert Einstein´s dirty face with his tongue out and his head´s hair affected by static electricity in a schizophrenia face, the image´s background is a painting of a nuclear mushroom in pop art style, in the right side of the image uncle sam stares incredulous pointing one finger at him, the image is made in a lugubrious style

  • Pablo Tossi     07/08/2023 - 11:37:07

    RAW photo of two men holding the Argentine flag with a strong and determined attitude, burning city background, fire light on face, soft orange lighting, wide angle shot, desperate atmosphere, realistic, dramatic, extremely detailed, extremely high quality, masterpiece, official art, emulate Nikon D6 or X11, 8k

  • Tomás     07/08/2023 - 11:53:50

    Prompt: cthulhu leading a riot, throwing molotov, broken cars, police firing gas, renaissance painting style

  • Enrique Allegretta Paleta     07/08/2023 - 12:40:04

    Prompt: A wide shot of The Andes Mountains where on top you can see General Jose de San Martin on top of his white horse facing a horde of zombies that are running towards him about to engage in the most epic fight the human race has ever seen.

  • German     07/08/2023 - 13:44:44

    Prompt: A gigantic boar equipped with advanced sensors and weapon systems fighting a very large bear, the bear is augmented with steampunk devices and world war 1 weaponry all over its body, there´s rioting and small arms fighting in the background. Made in world war 2 recruitment poster style.

  • Ezequiel María Galíndez     07/08/2023 - 13:50:34

    Prompt: Picture of Jose De San Martin, Simon Bolivar, Manuel Belgrano, Bernardo OHiggins and Alf playing football. On the background, the Andes mountains and the crowd wearing Inter Miami pink jersey.

  • Ginger Melusina     07/08/2023 - 13:58:13

    Prompt: pintura de Dios y Adán en capilla Sixtina boxeando

  • fedexweb     07/08/2023 - 14:11:48

    prompt: photo realistic scene of the surface of Mars, with a red starry sky with galaxies, in the center of the photo, a platform of white limestone tiles, action scene, where they are fighting, dramatic, boxing style, Carl Sagan versus Elon Musk, on the sides while waiting for their turn to fight, Issac Asimov, J. R. R. Tolkien, George R. R. Martin, and a one humanoid Atlas robot Boston Dynamic, all dressed only in boxing shorts, official art, extremely detailed, CG unity 8k wallpaper, very high quality.

    • fedexweb     08/08/2023 - 21:01:29

      Nada que ver a lo que pedi. que pasó?

  • Puanense     07/08/2023 - 14:24:32

    prompt: photo of a yorkshire terrier in a sunset watching the takeoff of spacex starship.

  • Juan Sebastián Vega     07/08/2023 - 14:32:54

    Prompt: notice: photorealistic scene of a crypto monkey with red eyes dressed as a sweeper entire body, with a dark starry sky, in the center of the photo, a mountain of pc and servers like garbage, action scene, official art, extremely detailed, background CG unity 8k screen, very high quality

  • Federico Lopez     07/08/2023 - 14:51:37

    Prompt: photorealistic stunning scene of a PIN UP girl facing taking a sunbath and liking A LOLIPOP with a bikini on the beach at sunset with a fututistic and distopic city over the landscape , with bright sky and some ships over the ocean, in the center of the photo,official art, extremely detailed, background CG unity 8k screen,very high quality

  • pablo andres     07/08/2023 - 16:33:17

    Prompt: Three current presidential candidates: Sergio Massa together with Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Javier Milei fighting in the mud. In the background there are many people along with a few Argentine flags. Photographic quality.

    • Fabio Baccaglioni     08/08/2023 - 00:54:04

      no serán los que pediste pero tienen tanta cara de políticos haciendo una pelotudez por la campaña que aplica perfectamente 😁

  • Orlando Adolfo Braun     07/08/2023 - 16:48:00

    Prompt: A scene taken from a building, 10:00 am, haze, Buenos Aires city, post-apocalyptic Cyberpunk in ruins, a group of surviving porteños walk among the rubble left by the Kirchnerist orc protesters, background of the city of El Congreso, illuminated with a dim light

  • mompox     07/08/2023 - 17:44:02

    Prompt: photo of a post-apocaliptic city, with giant fungus covering the windows, flooded streets and a ferrari floating around upside down, official art, extremely detailed, CG unity 8k wallpaper, very high quality.

  • Pablo Marchiori     07/08/2023 - 17:59:50 Revisado: 07/08/2023 - 18:03:13

    Prompt: A highly detailed photo showing an scene from the Mayan empire and Cthulhu´s visit. The image must be realistic and convey the horror and fascination felt by 100 Mayans warriors in the presence of Cthulhu. Cthulhu must be wearing a United Federation of Planets uniform from the Star Trek TV series.

  • Mauro Lorenzo     07/08/2023 - 18:04:50

    Cthulhu geisha. Medium shot from the side. his face dissolving into black and white butterflies neon violet, pink and orange neon accents. Lots of butterflies. Light halation. Cinematic scene. Oil painting, surrealism. Highly detailed. Artwork by Artgerm and Peter Mohrbacher volumetric light, unreal engine render, insanely detailed, hyper detail, epic art style, cinematic, concept art, bokeh background

  • Wichumcita     07/08/2023 - 18:53:24

    Prompt: Milei receiving the presidential sash with a machine gun that distributes dollars in front of the congress of the Argentine nation. While desperate congressmen grabbing bills flying in all directions.

    • Fabio Baccaglioni     07/08/2023 - 19:12:02

      JAJAJAJA WWWHAAAT?? esto es cualquiera, se tomó muy a pecho los keywords, supongo que ni sabe qué es un "milei" pero el resto, asociado a Argentina, dio directo milico, jajaja 😁😁 tengan en cuenta que es muy poco probable que el modelo esté entrenado con personajes argentinos...

      • Wichumcita     08/08/2023 - 00:04:11

        Ehhh no era lo que tenía en mente. Pero buennooo puede fallar jajaj

  • Hugo MdQ     08/08/2023 - 00:07:44 Revisado: 08/08/2023 - 00:13:49

    Prompt: Portrait of Queen Elizabeth background with argentina flag, by Anthony Van Dyck, White Balance, Tonal Colors, High Contrast, 16k, Non-Euclidian, Essence, Rim Lighting, Screen Space Global Illumination, masterpiece, high res, cinematic lighting, best quality, masterpiece, ,8k wallpaper, detailed, real, realistic, Vibrant Palette

    • Fabio Baccaglioni     08/08/2023 - 00:53:28

      jajaj buen intento, quedó celeste y blanca igualmente 😋

      • Hugo MdQ     08/08/2023 - 01:07:07

        Si, lo probé en local y me dio resultados variados. Intenté que use una remera de la selección argentina y nunca lo hizo.

  • joaquin t lugones     08/08/2023 - 01:42:19

    RAW photo, Lionel Messi in an Argentine military suit, an AK-47 in his hands, walking through the meadows of the Falkland Islands, sunlight on face

    • Fabio Baccaglioni     08/08/2023 - 10:54:42

      jajaj me muero con el messi milico en malvinas

  • Claudia     08/08/2023 - 09:03:49

    Hoy es mi cumple!!!! Quiero algo que refleje este día :-)
    prompt: Imagen Festejando mi cumpleaños en laguna Ilon, Bariloche, con mis amigos (2 mujeres, 5 varones. Personajes anime). Poner esta imagen adentro de un Motorola Moto G13. Background: puzzle del Coliseo, armado (Colosseum 1500 pieces Jigsaw puzzle Funny Land:

    • Leandro MM     09/08/2023 - 15:53:24

      creo que desde Bariloche en adelante, no entendió nada.

      • Fabio Baccaglioni     09/08/2023 - 16:25:34

        ahí se colgó, le dan tanta info que revienta :D

    • latorro     21/08/2023 - 07:34:42

      Me encanta!! Esos muffins son sin TACC ?

  • Ariel Caballero     08/08/2023 - 09:37:50

    Prompt: Vladimir Putin & Volodímir Zelenski Kim Jong-un & Donald Trump Dancing Salsa in a ballroom to restore peace in the world

  • Ivan     08/08/2023 - 09:42:53

    ahi va:

    an illustration of a young kid playing hide and seek with a monster in the forest. Black and white. Edward Gorey. Mike Mignola. Backlight, high contrast

  • MaC     08/08/2023 - 11:52:49

    Fabio Baccaglioni dijo:

    jajaj me muero con el messi milico en malvinas

    El Messi Checheno! y con uniforme americano!

    Puta madre esta IA...hace lo que se le canta las pelotas

  • Juan Pablo Largente     08/08/2023 - 11:58:21

    Prompt: a battle between two armies takes place in a dystopian world, desertic. One army is composed of human like cats using all sorts of steampunk tech arms. The contenders are an army of dogs of all races, with primitive tech as cavemen. In front, a Cat coming out of a golden Tank wearing goggles and a leather jacket. He knows he is going to win.

  • Mulichancho     08/08/2023 - 11:59:21

    Prompt: Low oblique aerial view of the July 9 Avenue of Buenos Aires, but instead of cars and asphalt, its covered with parks and bicycles, and people having picnics. The surrounding buildings are a mixture of Haussmann design and solarpunk architecture.

  • Ricardo Vaisman     08/08/2023 - 13:58:51

    prompt: A big abandoned hotel from early 20th century, french chateau style by a deserted beach, in the night, exterior view, dark image, broken windows, dirty facade. A man with a flashlight by the front stairs and a car in the front yard contrasting in the dark scene, man seen from behind. The sky is dark and behind the main building at the back of the entire scene a subtle shadowy silhouette of Cthulhu, dark, low contrast, menacing

  • XavMP     08/08/2023 - 14:48:27

    Prompt: a full size Elon Musk leading a Kiss style rock band on stage, stomping on little blue birds an killing them, hard rock ligths with black and red, realistic

  • Cris Sanchez     08/08/2023 - 15:08:43

    Prompt: Alice in wonderland but in a alien version of wonderland ,with alien version of Mad Hatter, and alien version of cheshire cat and also alien version red queen, movie poster, high detailed ,tim burton style

  • Araña     08/08/2023 - 15:55:32

    Prompt: Two suspicious women, one is wearing a green dress, pearls and has a lot of blue hair.

  • Luis E Pacheco     08/08/2023 - 18:03:52

    Above a landscape of a big city of the United States, Chinese President Xi Jinping wearing costumes of an ancient Chinese Warrior, riding on the top of a chinese spy balloon and throwing laser rays from his eyes to several F-22 fighters chasing the balloon.

  • juan ignacio espinal     08/08/2023 - 18:39:31

    A big sailing yatch at the golden hour near the cost of a city with skyscrapers.

  • Santiago20212004     08/08/2023 - 21:49:27

    Prompt: extremely detailed imagen of chess in real life where the pieces are eating a choripán

    • Diego Saavedra     10/08/2023 - 22:06:59

      Parecen mas chocolates que choripanes. No debe ni saber lo que es un chori.

  • Federico G     08/08/2023 - 22:12:47

    Que sea lo que el algoritmo quiera :D

    Prompt: RAW photo, white cat with grey tail, walking over slightly rusty metal roof of an old shelter, looking at camera, at autum, in a forest, autum trees at background, soft lighting, high quality, highres, extremely detailed, masterpiece, natural lighting, dslr, film grain

  • Danbat     08/08/2023 - 23:29:58

    a photo from behind of a female alien holding a cup of coffee while is sitting on the bed, watching thru the window, she is wearing underwear and tank top, the room has a futuristic look, the window has (round corners), outside there is a futuristic city at night, neon lights, flying cars, dim stars,

  • Bruno Antonio Gondell     09/08/2023 - 00:16:22

    Prompt: Angry politicians in a battle, (dismembering, biting, tearing off body parts:1.2). Surrounding them, people dying of (hunger, malnutrition, and inaction:1.2). In the background, in a window of the Argentinean Casa Rosada, a (70-year-old brunette woman laughing:1). Keywords: political unrest, social injustice, allegory. Intensity: dramatic; Color Palette: varied, symbolic; Style: allegorical; Artist: Bosch; Background: societal collapse.

    • Bruno Antonio Gondell     09/08/2023 - 14:12:39

      Traguicómico como puso el pan (el dinero) debajo de los políticos, sin indicarlo.
      Eso ya dice que la IA sabe que los políticos se roban rodo el pan.
      Me faltó a la konchu de fondo.

      • Fabio Baccaglioni     09/08/2023 - 15:00:32

        es que el pan en el suelo es una imagen muy de la época representada en la obra

  • Araña     09/08/2023 - 10:17:08

    Araña dijo:

    Prompt: Two suspicious women, one is wearing a green dress, pearls and has a lot of blue hair.

    La de Homero estaba mejor

  • Alejandro     09/08/2023 - 11:39:06

    Prompt: Young beautiful woman, redhead, happy, pedaling on a bicycle through a field of tulips, chased by zombies and people with cell phones. High detail, sunlight, vivid colors

    • latorro     21/08/2023 - 07:38:10

      Es Julia Roberts. :D

  • Mario Ratti     09/08/2023 - 12:30:37

    Prompt: Cthulhu, Jesus and Godzilla at a protest holding signs against the use of AI-generated images

  • Gimena Río Mezzadri     09/08/2023 - 13:09:41

    No compito pero quiero participar:
    Young woman dancer, with wings, long white hair, dressed in a light aquamarine short outfit, surrounded by orange and blue flowers. background lake in the middle of the Alps. fantasy. bright colours.

  • Sylar     09/08/2023 - 14:16:31

    Prompt: Route 66 at noon. In the photograph you can see a truck carrying live pigs colliding with a pink car driven by Barbie and Ken. While the soccer players of the Argentine team, such as Messi or Di Maria, gather the pigs and load them into their cars or trucks. It also looks like happy scaloni is preparing the grill to cook the pigs.

    • Fabio Baccaglioni     09/08/2023 - 14:59:48

      jaja esto es lo que pasa cuando le agregan DEMASIADOS elementos al Prompt, se delira completamente y te deja la mitad afuera, a veces produce cosas como ésta igualmente 😁

  • Coco     09/08/2023 - 15:42:25

    Prompt: Raw photo, inside argentina´s presidential office, realistic, president Ricardo Iorio signing papers, showing his middle finger with the other, in the background a framed picture of cristina kirchner with a dart on her face, include heavy metal references.

  • Mario     09/08/2023 - 17:05:55

    Prompt: A wide picture of epic medieval battle, all the people are Simpsons and Futurama characters. The Simpsons cartoon style, highly detailed, vibrant colors.

    • Mario     09/08/2023 - 18:40:33

      Ahhh me encantó :D
      No sé si gana pero valió completamente la pena participar

  • many     09/08/2023 - 17:31:38

    Prompt: Realistic picture, giant tardigrade kaiju fighting against a giant mantis shrimp kaiju in a metropolis, between futuristic skyscrapers. Drones and missiles attack them. Stormy sky with lightning. High quality, extremely detailed.

  • Nathalia García     09/08/2023 - 17:55:37

    Prompt: a laboratory in the middle of the desert, in the style of Fernando Botero, there are a few test tubes and a microscope with red ants, very colorful background.

  • Hernan     09/08/2023 - 19:01:23

    Prompt: Highly detailed photo of 9 de Julio Avenue and Corrientes Avenue in Buenos Aires with an obelisk simulating a space rocket taking off in front of the buildings. A group of people watch the takeoff trying not to fly away. The sky is covered with clouds that open in a circle as the obelisk passes by. An enormous Argentine flag flies over the square. Dramatic cinematic composition, insanely detailed, hyper detail, epic art style, bright colours.

  • Leandro Rotela     09/08/2023 - 19:56:26

    Prompt:A group of animal hackers, in session, led by a cat with very cute eyes, a prankster lemur and an embittered raccoon. Entering the Matrix in Synthwave

  • Bruno Antonio Gondell     09/08/2023 - 21:44:16

    Fabio Baccaglioni dijo:

    es que el pan en el suelo es una imagen muy de la época representada en la obra

    Oh la lá señor francés!! Jajaja joda... Yo ni idea de arte. La verdad verdadera es que me olvidé de sacar Artist Bosch :D

  • Dusha     09/08/2023 - 21:45:57

    Prompt: Encounter of a child with his 8 past lives, connected by a subtle daily detail that shapes their future

  • joaquin t lugones     10/08/2023 - 00:28:44

    La verdad que un lujo todas che, va a ser muy dificil elegir ganador

    • Fabio Baccaglioni     10/08/2023 - 01:17:32

      si, va a estar difícil, pero eso también es divertido

  • Marco Antonio Scevola     10/08/2023 - 10:13:37

    Chuck Norris in a sunset, saving the political and financial crisis of Argentina, on top of a shark, iconic buildings destroyed, fire, hyper-realistic.

  • Gonzalo Alfonso     10/08/2023 - 11:20:35

    Prompt: Photorealistic view from a big city square. At the end of the square, centered in frame there´s a enormous white cathedral designed by Norman Foster. A few people walk by, some are 4 meters high, others are regular height. A blonde, young, beautiful woman with emerald green eyes stares at the camera, she is in american plane view. The sky has some clouds, it´s twilight time but there´s enough light to see the face of the woman

  • Franco Balzani     10/08/2023 - 11:45:44

    Prompt: A photorealistic picture of a llama enjoying mate tea near the Buenos Aires obelisk. On the sides, there´s a gathering of people, all looking surprised as other protesters destroy a fast-food establishment. The weather is stormy, with small fish raining down.

  • Leo FG     10/08/2023 - 11:51:15

    ship battle at deep space, 4 or 5 ships, steampunk style mixed with german second world war style, 2 wizards joining battle, 2 or 3 colourfull nebulas around, early 80 sci fi film quality.

    • Leo FG     10/08/2023 - 13:50:40

      :| mmm ufa

      • Danbat     10/08/2023 - 14:25:05

        Deberíamos subir nuestros resultados locales para tener un expectativa/realidad.

      • Fabio Baccaglioni     10/08/2023 - 16:20:23

        Danbat dijo:

        Deberíamos subir nuestros resultados locales para tener un expectativa/realidad.

        no me llenes de imágenes que no sean de las del concurso que va a generar confusión-frustración :P ya sé que se pueden generar mejores refinando, pero justamente es la idea, esta es la herramienta con la que contás, estos son los resultados, y el seed es al azar Guiño

  • Nach0     10/08/2023 - 13:05:44

    prompt: In a room with a large bed in the shape of a swastika, Pope Francis filming and directing a pornographic movie, surrounded by 2 pornographic actors and 2 actresses reviewing the recently filmed video on a TV while smoking a cigar and eating a choripan

    Nota del Admin: muy mal de tu parte que quieras generar porneta, estás descalificado, igualmente genero la imagen porque se que no va a dar nada NSFW 😋

    • Ivan     15/08/2023 - 09:20:56

      AJAJJAJAJAJAJ re jugado el pibe

  • Max Headroom     10/08/2023 - 13:56:16

    Prompt: Highly detailed photo of Carl Sagan with a green lightsaber, fighting versus Isaac Asimov with a blue lightsaber, on the surface of an alien planet with pink and purple tones, official art, extremely detailed, background CG unity 8k screen,very high quality.

  • xenomorfo     10/08/2023 - 17:04:39

    Prompt: A photorealistic picture of a smiling xenomorph in Hawaiian shorts surfing on a giant banana, hyper-realistic.

    • Fabio Baccaglioni     10/08/2023 - 20:57:29

      altos abs tiene el Xenomorfo, este verano levanta a full 😁

  • Gustavo V     10/08/2023 - 17:56:59

    General Jose de San Martin wearing a full combat suite, warhammer 40k style with argentine colors in the suit, standing victorious holding a Emperor´s flag, over a field of grass and flowers, the flowers with lot of color, Andes mountain in the background, solarpunk style, wideangle, fujifilm superia 400

  • Ignacio Arce     10/08/2023 - 18:14:51

    Prompt: Create a mesmerizing realm where cascading fractal waterfalls converge into a vibrant forest filled with flora that mimic fractal patterns, all under a sky swirling with iridescent fractal clouds.

  • Leandro Ascierto     10/08/2023 - 18:23:34

    Prompt: ada flying over a garden with night flowers, show me ada´s face, little fireflies and moths flying, sky with aurora borealis, surreal, 4K high resolution

  • Francisco Pereyra Lucena     10/08/2023 - 19:03:03

    Prompt: photography, close up, old Messi bearded as president of Argentina, late evening, uplifting, great times, front view, Kodak Portra 400, shallow depth of obelisk background –ar 6:7 –c 15

  • Diego Saavedra     10/08/2023 - 20:11:56

    A ver como se rompe con los fractales :D.
    Prompt: An abstract image that blends nature, Lissajous curves, and fractals. It should resemble a National Geographic photo with a hint of bokeh.

  • Diego Saavedra     10/08/2023 - 21:52:13

    Wichumcita dijo:

    Ehhh no era lo que tenía en mente. Pero buennooo puede fallar jajaj

    jaja es re loca la foto.

  • Juan Ignacio Garcia     10/08/2023 - 22:52:01

    Prompt: Vintage 90´s anime style. cluttered starship interior; captain giving orders; by Hajime Sorayama, Greg Tocchini, Virgil Finlay, sci-fi, colors, neon lights. line art.

    • Gustavo V     11/08/2023 - 19:19:51


  • Benito Pignone     11/08/2023 - 02:34:03

    La libertad, navegando en un mar de caras de felicidad.
    Un atardecer violeta con un avion - paloma
    con el estilo de Dalí

    • Diego Saavedra     11/08/2023 - 17:23:29 Revisado: 11/08/2023 - 17:23:46

      Parece un poema lo tuyo :D
      El avion tiene pinta que se quedo sin combustible y busca amerizar. ¿Es turbohelice o es turbofan?

  • Danbat     11/08/2023 - 12:36:58

    Fabio Baccaglioni dijo:

    Danbat dijo:
    Deberíamos subir nuestros resultados locales para tener un expectativa/realidad.

    no me llenes de imágenes que no sean de las del concurso que va a generar confusión-frustración :P ya sé que se pueden generar mejores refinando, pero justamente es la idea, esta es la herramienta con la que contás, estos son los resultados, y el seed es al azar Guiño

    Lo se y no voy a subir fotos. Lo que pensé es como para un post-concurso. Para definir mi prompt hice más de 50 imágenes y solo una salió como esperaba. Supongo que varios estamos en la misma y pensé que estaría bueno lo que queríamos que salga vs lo que realmente salió.

  • Fabián Fernando Brandán     11/08/2023 - 19:08:00

    Joven mujer de 22 años rubia, iluminada por sombras y luces, mirando la luna en un amanecer nublado

  • Andrezgz     11/08/2023 - 21:35:06

    Promtp: superman mixed with dark batman, comic style, high quality, extremely detailed.

  • Andrés Zoppelletto     11/08/2023 - 21:56:56

    Prompt: An exquisite 8K RAW photograph that captures the epitome of artistic mastery and technological innovation. In the heart of a celestial metropolis, bathed in the ethereal glow of a thousand stars, a futuristic knight and a mecha girl stand together in harmonious juxtaposition.

    The scene unfolds within the sprawling atrium of a crystalline space citadel, an architectural marvel that seamlessly marries the elegance of bygone eras with the boundless possibilities of the cosmos. The mecha girl, a symphony of gleaming mechanical intricacies, exudes an air of resolute determination, her every gear and joint a testament to the marvels of engineering.

    Beside her stands the futuristic knight, their silver hair catching the ambient light in a mesmerizing dance. Their presence emanates an aura of honor and strength, their flowing attire an embodiment of timeless grace. Their eyes, two pools of captivating depth, seem to hold the wisdom of ages and the promise of a cosmic destiny.

    Cinematic lighting sweeps across the scene, casting radiant beams that illuminate the duo while leaving the cosmic backdrop in a breathtaking interplay of shadows and brilliance. The vibrant palette of the scene, a symphony of celestial hues, serves as a canvas for the intricate interplay of emotions etched on the characters´ faces.

    Each element of this awe-inspiring tableau is meticulously crafted with the utmost attention to detail, capturing the essence of human creativity and pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling. The image transcends reality, transporting viewers into a realm where fantasy and reality entwine, and where the delicate dance of humanity and machinery shapes the destiny of galaxies.

    • Danbat     15/08/2023 - 12:29:29

      El prompt es una obra literaria en sí misma.

  • Federico Molinari     11/08/2023 - 22:31:44

    Prompt: Ultra-realistic 12k anime portrait of Joker with Buenos Aires city in the background in the rain.

  • Leandro Graziani     11/08/2023 - 23:39:46

    Prompt: Starman driving Tesla Roadster over the rings of Saturn. Orbital style. Fluorescent lighting. Miniature faking camera. Carbon fiber material. Art by Andy Warhol.

  • Gladys     12/08/2023 - 09:50:08

    "Prompt": A loving couple shares a tender moment on a beach, with the sun setting behind them and a trail of rose petals leading to a candlelit dinner.

  • Daniel Ernesto     12/08/2023 - 10:21:27

    "Prompt": Starry night in Buenos Aires obelisk. In the style of Vicent Van Gohg.

  • N3RI     12/08/2023 - 10:51:33

    Prompt: A portrait of a mysterious girl, her head is transparent and you can see her brain thru the cristal of her skull, with subtle elements of sci-fi and techno realism, painted with the dark and dramatic style of the Baroque period. She has tears on her eyes. The background lights are red and blue with some violet contrast.

  • Patricio Donato     12/08/2023 - 10:51:57

    prompt: Wizard Gandalf, with a tall pointed blue hat, a long grey cloak, and and a long white beard; and Master Jedi Yoda, small, green, and wrinkly with pointy ears, fighting with a giant mecha humanoid robot. Gandalf and Yoda use brilliant lightsabers to kill the mecha robot. Reallistic image, vivid colors, apocaliptic landscape

    • Patricio Donato     12/08/2023 - 19:20:19

      Se le complicaron los sables de luz

      • Fabio Baccaglioni     12/08/2023 - 19:33:02

        jaja igual quedó re falopa, le cuestan a este modelo los sables de luz, me parece que no lo entrenaron con mucho énfasis en eso, debe ser por el copyright de Disney

  • N3RI     12/08/2023 - 10:58:23

    Prompt: A hyper-realistic grayscale close-up of a young man´s left eye with an angry, deep penetrating gaze and a sharp brow that is visible above the eye.

    • Fabio Baccaglioni     12/08/2023 - 13:37:05

      este no cuenta por pedido doble y porque lo quería para él :D

  • Guido C     13/08/2023 - 01:50:07

    Prompt: a beatiful blonde woman in a football t-shirt of Argentina holding the actual planet world by her hands up in her head in the universe, with the milky way in the back and her looking to the horizon from behind. the world is the actual planet we live in, with the real countrys all united. also as a cliffhanger show an UFO in the top right corner of the image. the argentina tshirt must say the number ten and the letters MESSI.

  • Ronny     13/08/2023 - 03:32:04

    Prompt: A high-quality photograph captures this image of Chuck Norris using a machine gun defeating the most iconic heroes of the Marvel and DC comics universes. The scene is bathed in soft lighting, which highlights the details in the faces and outfits of the characters, with a cinematic touch that brings a distinctive look to the scene.

  • rodo     14/08/2023 - 09:21:50

    Prompt: A representation of Donald Trump as the coach of the Argentine national soccer team.

  • Guillermo Joandet     14/08/2023 - 14:12:24

    breathtaking photograph of a black roaring lion eating a steak shaped like Argentina map, blood, gore, insane details, award-winning, professional, highly detailed, photographic quality, stunning

  • mizulito     14/08/2023 - 18:47:27

    astronaut holding the flag of argentina on the moon while seeing the destruction of planet earth in first person. 4k high resolution

  • Ezequiel Lancelotti     14/08/2023 - 22:36:29

    Cute happy {red pepper} in the garden, big eyes, minimalism --ar 16:9

  • kevin gorisnic     14/08/2023 - 23:33:08 Revisado: 14/08/2023 - 18:36:03

    este es el prompt para el concurso de AI...
    Cuando lo pego en la parte de comentarios no me lo toma, despues intentare de nuevo...

    prompt: Craft an extraordinary and mesmerizing image that seamlessly integrates the majestic presence of a mythical phoenix soaring above an otherworldly cityscape. Blend the ethereal flames of the phoenix´s plumage with the vibrant neon lights of the city, while infusing elements of both ancient and futuristic architecture. The image should evoke a profound sense of rebirth, juxtaposing the timeless elegance of the phoenix with the boundless potential of human innovation.

  • mizulito     15/08/2023 - 08:18:51

    the world collides with a planet. Outer space background. 8k high resolution

    • Fabio Baccaglioni     15/08/2023 - 10:05:27

      mizu, es sólo una imagen por participante!, ya estás adentro, paciencia

      • mizulito     20/08/2023 - 12:18:03

        no tenia ni idea. Contame solo el de astronauta los otros no

  • mizulito     15/08/2023 - 08:42:17

    African boy with big smile, medium size eyes, white teeth, short hair, dirty and torn clothes, slim and small in size. Abandoned houses and a black family (obese lady with curly tied-up hair, tall thin man with dark hair and black T-shirt, three short children with short hair and faded T-shirts of different colors) in the background. Super mega high resolution and in 8k.

  • mizulito     15/08/2023 - 09:10:02

    leonardo da vinci, marie curie, albert einstein, lionel messi, mahatma ghandi, lebron james and donald trump arguing in a luxurious room with a luxurious table, luxurious food and luxurious suits (all from the 1800s). All smiling. 8k Super mega high resolution quality

  • Cacoso     15/08/2023 - 14:27:13

    a man with Russian military weaponry carrying a sniper in his hand, using a helmet, lying on the ground camouflaged with mud. Jungle and explosions background. 4k quality

  • matiaskeeper     15/08/2023 - 15:21:56

    Prompt: Lionel Messi president of the World for life, wearing the Argentine shirt under his war uniform, fighting on the front line against the alien forces commanded by Cristiano Ronaldo, Kilian Mbappe and Miroslav Klose. Behind him, an army made up of millions of Argentines armed with a toothpick. In the style of Caravaggio.

    • Danbat     18/08/2023 - 16:44:31

      Espectacular el prompt, lástima que no se pudo llevar a cabo.

      • Fabio Baccaglioni     18/08/2023 - 18:20:41

        la única forma de hacer algo así es sectorizando prompts, no es para este workflow

  • Martin Santarelli     15/08/2023 - 18:37:42

    Prompt: portrait of David Bowie as a collage of magazines paper cuts over a background of typography poster design by basquiat

  • Dach77     16/08/2023 - 11:28:45

    panoramic image of 9 de Julio Avenue, in Buenos Aires, full of streets markets, streers hawkers and costermonger, garbage, famelic dogs over the street, lot of famelic people, obelisco vandalized with graffiti in Background, neoclassicism, cinematic lighting, dslr, Fujifilm XT3, film grain, ultradetailed, high quality, sunset sun

  • PB     16/08/2023 - 23:30:55

    Prompt: Isometric view of a Steampunk era based harverster working over a soy beam field. At the cockpit there are some politicians. There are some workers without ocupational safety catching the beams with barehands. After the harvester there are an army of zombies. cinematic lighting, dslr, Fujifilm XT3, film grain, ultradetailed, high quality, sunset sun

  • tucho235     17/08/2023 - 14:06:48

    Prompt: Chuck Norris as a Kindergarten teacher, in the middle of the room totally overwhelmed by children who scream and do mischief, in a corner of the room Arnold Schwarzenegger portrayed as a pregnant woman like in the movie Junior, crying, wearing a blonde wig, in a One hand holds an empty vodka bottle, and in the other hand a lit cigar. In a classroom window, Sylverster Stallone, characterized as Rambo and with a horrified facial expression at what is happening inside the classroom, is peeking in. In the classroom there will be some books lying on the floor, some smelly open diapers, and vomit dripping all over 1 child.

    • tucho235     17/08/2023 - 14:07:40

      si dibuja eso me lo descargo y lo hago remera :D

    • tucho235     17/08/2023 - 14:20:10

      JAAAA muy bueno lo que generó :D:D

  • Magui ST     17/08/2023 - 17:44:34

    Foreground a fly in jeans and a cockroach, the two insects eating a fountain of spaghetti with red sauce and the bodies of little humans inside. scene about a mountain of weapons, missiles, hands and robots. the background metropolis ultra modern skyscrapers, full color

  • Gustavo Karol     17/08/2023 - 20:30:52

    Prompt: Detailed photograph of a large sailboat floating in outer space, in the dim light of a star, orbiting a galaxy.

  • bun     17/08/2023 - 20:41:19

    A game of ping pong on top of Mount Everest between Pelé and Maradona

  • Chelo     18/08/2023 - 08:28:53

    Prompt: macro photography of a colorful jumping spider, eyes in focus, swallow depth of field, bokeh

    • Chelo     18/08/2023 - 10:33:00 Revisado: 18/08/2023 - 10:34:37

      Quedó buenísima. Iba a mandar un prompt más falopa pero viendo que no reconoce mucho a los personajes argentos, opté por lo seguro.

  • Francisco Vidal Bavio     18/08/2023 - 09:06:50

    Prompt: Realistic photo of a riot at "plaza de mayo" square with a welcome to argentina sign in the front. High Qualty

  • Magdalena Morard     18/08/2023 - 16:27:21

    Magui ST dijo:

    Foreground a fly in jeans and a cockroach, the two insects eating a fountain of spaghetti with red sauce and the bodies of little humans inside. scene about a mountain of weapons, missiles, hands and robots. the background metropolis ultra modern skyscrapers, full color

    La IA no me entendió... ¿Dónde están las siluetas de humanos dentro de la salsa=:D

    • Fabio Baccaglioni     18/08/2023 - 16:34:37

      jaja no puede con tantos pedidos en un mismo prompt 🤷‍♂️

  • JJCm     18/08/2023 - 21:46:26

    Prompt: Route landscape with an old gas station, at night, storm clouds, lot of lightnings crossing the sky, low horizon, low angle view

  • Manu99     18/08/2023 - 23:07:11

    Prompt: Hacker with a dog head, inside a liminal space with neon colored walls.

  • Ivan bejariel     18/08/2023 - 23:11:52 Revisado: 18/08/2023 - 23:28:57

    Prompt: realístic actual photograph of the argentinian militar and libertator Jose de San Martín as if he was the actual president dressed in a dark blue suit with a confident look in His eyes, standing behind a desk, next to the presidential chair of the pink house from argentina and next to him a white argentinian dogo sitting, behind hang on the wall a soccer shirt of argentinos juniors with the number 10 and the name Maradona

    • Chelo     19/08/2023 - 06:45:50

      Hubiera sido genial si hacía la camiseta del Bicho

  • Ange     19/08/2023 - 11:08:55

    Prompt: The Avengers fighting against the corrupt argentine politicians and the inflation in the streets of Buenos Aires.

    • Fabio Baccaglioni     19/08/2023 - 13:57:25

      se coló un jedi en medio de la trifulca!

    • Chelo     19/08/2023 - 14:23:03

      Alto remo se armó

    • Lucas Dasso     22/08/2023 - 15:22:59

      "El concurso de acabó! Denle a ese hombre los 10.000 dólares!"

  • Maik     19/08/2023 - 14:23:03

    va con chivo
    prompt: a motorola ecofriendly factory producing cellphones in space and taking care of the earth and it´s people with a background of a realistic space conquered

  • Francisco Mosse     19/08/2023 - 16:47:04

    Prompt: A striking digital artwork featuring Superman soaring through a vibrant cityscape at sunset, his iconic cape billowing in the wind, muscles defined, showcasing his strength and determination. The city lights should be gleaming below as he flies gracefully, radiating a sense of hope and heroism. The art should capture the essence of Superman´s iconic status and his commitment to justice. Use a dynamic color palette and intricate details to make the artwork truly captivating and inspiring.

  • Santiago Garcia     19/08/2023 - 19:21:11

    a portrait photograph of a meditating harpy and a centaur monk riding eagles and hunting at a river delta. surrounded by bulbous flowers, animals and trees. mountains range under a blue sky of burning stars. by jan van eyck, max ernst, ernst haeckel, ernst fuchs and artgerm, cgsociety, artstation, daily deviation, 8 k

  • cesar     20/08/2023 - 03:25:06

    do a painting with many sailing boat, the view is from the beach, there are two people walking on the beach, the sky have clouds, far away there is a port, painted by Quinquela Martin.

    • cesar     20/08/2023 - 12:40:42

      yo lo probé en mi humilde gtx 1050 y ni el 10% de eso, muy bueno. Gracias!

  • Alejandro Caviglia     20/08/2023 - 11:05:20

    a realistic photo from behind, sexy woman holding hands through an Italian city on a sunny summer day

  • Cristian Rojas     20/08/2023 - 12:07:29

    Prompt: mathematics hitting people, inside a big fish tank.

  • Sergio Vernis     20/08/2023 - 15:33:33

    Prompt: Majestically cinematic close up professional photo quality shot of a futuristic neon lit style cyberpunk street, very futuristic with LED’s and advance tech. A 18-year-old blonde girl, with a black bikini, brillant red lipstick, soft lighting, high quality, highres, sharp focus, extremely detailed, poses holding a gun outside in the cyberpunk city, extremely detailed magazine quality photograph, cinematic lighting, 8k sharp focus. expert precision including intricate examples of undeniably amazing image quality and detailed design, stunning unique with intricate details, amazing background detail –ar 3:2 –s 1000

    • Danbat     21/08/2023 - 13:28:44

      Prompt notablemente preciso y que la IA lo interpretó con exactitud. Estamos ante un profesional.

    • Sergio Vernis     22/08/2023 - 08:26:38

      Quedó linda la imagen, gracias Fabio.

  • Lukitas     20/08/2023 - 18:26:09

    the entrance to an abandoned cementery, in a beksinski style

  • Nicolas Mir     20/08/2023 - 22:15:51

    Prompt: Emissary from the future visits in his majestic ship the planet Earth, devastated by mankind in the year 4850 by a thermonuclear geurra, to repopulate it with androids of various species.

  • Diego Vazquez     20/08/2023 - 23:57:42

    Prompt: imagen hiperrealista niño desnutrido con camiseta de futbol argentina con la inscripcion "messy" figura completa sentado en una pila enorme de billetes de 50 y 100 pesos argentinos, detras una parrilla vacia y el fuego debajo con libros de estudio universitarios, sobre el fondo el sol cae anunciando la noche

  • latorro     21/08/2023 - 07:29:23

    a photo of a winter field, three trees in line, an old water well in middle, cloudy, snow covering the land, background an uniform line of trees, white and gray tones.