Weird Al Yankovic - White n Nerdy

Gracias Pableeto por estos videos y por enseñarme el camino, jahahjahaha

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  • Pablo Fabregat     29/10/2006 - 23:49:59

    jaja por nada, yo iba a postear uno en mi weblog pero se me perdió el link :P

    y a los que les interese, mas info del groso este <a href="">aca</a>

  • Hernancito     30/10/2006 - 00:06:07

    Mata la parte de Javascript :D

  • victor     30/10/2006 - 00:14:29

    Excelente lo del Java!!!.
    Les dejo un link de un blog muy interesante:

  • gus_     30/10/2006 - 01:26:09

    Jujua, veánse también "dont´t download this song" con animaciones de Bill Plympont

  • Martín C     30/10/2006 - 13:46:13

    Algunas partes me pierdo, con las palabras cortaditas así... Está la letra por ahi? Si, acá:

    Y más info sobre el video ese en:

    (No me gusta preguntar cosas a las que yo contestaría con un "Google it!")

  • el Cueeeeeervo     30/10/2006 - 14:52:07

    jejej,copado,definitivamente,en yotube hay muuuucho material
    me adhiero a la recomendación de "Don´t Download this Song"
    nos vemos!!

  • Fabio sin loguearse     30/10/2006 - 15:18:09

    acá ta la letra:

    They see me mowin´
    My front lawn
    I know they´re all thinking I´m so white and nerdy
    Think I´m just too white and nerdy
    Think I´m just too white and nerdy
    Can´t you see I´m white and nerdy?
    Look at me, I´m white and nerdy
    I wanna roll with
    The gangstas
    But so far they all think I´m too white and nerdy
    Think I´m just too white and nerdy
    Think I´m just too white and nerdy
    I´m just too white and nerdy.
    Really really white and nerdy.

    First in my class up here at MIT
    Drop skills, I´m a champion at D&D
    MC Escher - that´s my favorite MC
    Keep your 40, I´ll just have an Earl Grey tea
    My rims never spin, to the contrary
    You´ll find that they´re quite stationary
    All of my action figures are cherry
    Stephen Hawking´s in my library
    My MySpace page is all totally pimped out
    Got people beggin´ for my top eight spaces
    Yo, I know pi to a thousand places
    Ain´t got no grills but I still wear braces
    I order all of my sandwiches with mayonnaise
    I´m a whiz at Minesweeper - I could play for days
    Once you see my sweet moves you´re gonna stay amazed
    My fingers´ movin´ so fast I´ll set the place ablaze
    There´s no killer app I haven´t run
    At Pascal, well I´m number one
    Do vector calculus just for fun
    I ain´t got a gat but I got a soldering gun
    Happy Days is my favorite theme song
    I could sure kick your butt in a game of ping pong
    I´ll ace any trivia quiz you bring on
    I´m fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon
    Here´s the part I sing on...

    They see me roll on
    My Segway
    I know in my heart they think I´m white and nerdy
    Think I´m just too white and nerdy
    Think I´m just too white and nerdy
    Can´t you see I´m white and nerdy
    Look at me, I´m white and nerdy
    I´d like to roll with
    The gangstas
    Although it´s apparent I´m too white and nerdy
    Think I´m just too white and nerdy
    Think I´m just too white and nerdy
    I´m just too white and nerdy
    How´d I get so white and nerdy

    I´ve been browsin´, inspectin´
    X-Men comics, you know I collect ´em
    The pens in my pocket, I must protect ´em
    My ergonomic keyboard never leaves me bored
    Shopping online for deals on some writable media
    I edit Wikipedia
    I memorized Holy Grail really well
    I can recite it right now and have you ROTFLOL
    I got a business doing websites
    When my friends need some code, who do they call?
    I do HTML for ´em all
    Even made a homepage for my dog
    Yo, I got myself a fanny pack
    They were havin´ a sale down at The Gap
    Spend my nights with a roll of bubble wrap
    Pop, pop, hope no one sees me
    Gettin´ freaky
    I´m nerdy in the extreme
    And whiter than sour cream
    I was in AV Club and Glee Club and even the Chess Team
    Only question I
    Ever thought was hard
    Was do I like Kirk
    Or do I like Picard
    Spend every weekend at the Renaissance Fair
    Got my name on my underwear

    They see me strollin´
    They laughin´
    And rollin´ their eyes ´cause I´m so white and nerdy
    Just because I´m white and nerdy
    Just because I´m white and nerdy
    All because I´m white and nerdy
    Holy cow, I´m white and nerdy
    I wanna bowl with
    The gangstas
    But, oh well, it´s obvious I´m white and nerdy
    Think I´m just too white and nerdy
    Think I´m just too white and nerdy
    I´m just too white and nerdy
    Look at me, I´m white and nerdy

  • cesarin     30/10/2006 - 19:21:34

    Aguante el pascal!!!

  • Karma Feroz     30/10/2006 - 22:43:35

    Es demasiado bueno. No pude parar de reirme como un esculapio. Los que estamos en el ambiente informático deberíamos verlo al menos una vez cada dos meses para no llegar a eso. ;)

  • marina (aggg...)     12/01/2007 - 14:08:48

    no lo soporto.:mad: es lo mas salame y loser que he visto.
    y buscando boludeces por internet, un dia me entere que nacio el mismo dia que yo :(

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